everyone always asks me why i love kirtsy so much. i always thought it was obvious.

pre-kirtsy, i'd found one online blogging pal. i liked her and she liked me. you've probably happened upon that perfect imaginary friend somewhere along your way, haven't you?
anyway. her name is joslyn. and when kirtsy announced her original editors ages and ages and eons ago? jos and i were both on that list.

which made the honor seem even more honor-ish than it already was.
and then i met my mary, who i soon nicknamed mary ruffle. it stuck. and so did our friendship. heck...we've even opened a creative confectionery together, which you may know as t.ruffles.
it couldn't get better than that, could it? probably not, i thought.

as always, i was flat-out wrong.
because then i met amie. yet another kirtsy editor turned friend. and to make a lovely story even lovelier, she asked if she could take some photos of my girlies three.

i agreed. and i'll tell you two things about our afternoon together...
one. it's taken me years and years and brawls and tears and confusion {which is really nothing new for me, actually.}, but i'm finally understanding that my girlies three are not lilliegraeandesmé. they are lillie kate...grae-rose...and esmé dahlia. three very separate and very different little people with very separate and very different little personalities.

it took amie about five minutes to see that. and then take pictures of it.
and two? i don't think anyone would describe amie as effusive or even gushing. she is reality-based. honest as she can be. all the time and won't let you down. plus? she has three boys who are. all. boys. but somehow...she managed to send my little girlies three smiling through a few sunny and dusty hours, all during the hot and hungry drive home, and straight-away into their house to find uncle sugar.

dad! do you even KNOW how beautiful we are? they asked in a rush, while fighting to tell him first what he'd already known all along.
soon after, amie sent us her first batch of photos. i found uncle sugar on his computer, sending them off to our families and friends.
kar, he said, with his gorgeous chocolate browns as wide as could be. do you even KNOW how beautiful they are?

i thought i did. until amie showed me through her beautiful eyes.
i never recommend anyone for anything. i rather hate being liable. but i would recommend amie as a photographer to the sun and around twice. sorry for the mess of photos of my girlies three. i originally wanted to put sixty in this post. {see? i do have restraint!} have a sweet weekend, you sweet things. xoxo.
wait. one more.

restraint, karey. restraint. xoxo.

{sigh.} no restraint. at. all.