22 April 2010

fresh t.ruffles...

i'm over here today, rambling on about passion. but it is not a naughty guest post. unfortunately. {i adore relyn too much to spill naughty words all over her pretty little blog. she's one of those golden heart girls who means what she says and says what she means. all kind. all the time.}

also. mary and i made two little cards for your mom. mary's photos are sick gorgeous, as usual, and i even added sweet messages on the insides so you don't even have to write a stitch! just sign your name.

i'd do that for you, too, but i'm quite sure your mom would know that my serial killer handwriting is not her baby doll's penmanship.

i hope you like our cards. i do. they're waiting for you right here. xoxo.


Mary said...

SO lovely - as usual!

Unknown said...


I have NO idea how people did not like the chicken pox airplane caption. i'm STILL laughing about it, as is my mother AND husband (who NEVER thinks the same things i do are funny, because I'm a nerd [hence, the calculator watch...glad i have someone else who is awesome to appreciate them])

...i say those moms who need the vaca are the the good ones because they're the ones really paying attention to their children and thinking about them all the time.

your writing is a genius, and while i follow lots of blogs, i only look at their pictures--i read yours.

Melissa de la Fuente said...

They are perfect....you always know...you and Mary, just what is right. *sigh*

jules @ The Diversion Project said...

serial killer penmanship - too funny. now i know how to recognise a serial killer in the office should i stumble upon one.

Seriously tasty t.ruffles!!


Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

I couldn't help but put a post that included you again...your writing is just too funny.

Brandi said...

karey, you spoil us. and so perfect for mother's day!

i just found out a friend is moving. can't wait to get her one of your prints. just need her new address first...