i'm guest-posting at la blog de madame francais.
{impressed? thought so. bet you didn't know i spoke and wrote french. it is the language of love. but you knew that already, didn't you? smarty-pants.}
in anglais now. {sorry...i meant english. it's just so difficile to be bilingual. sometimes i forget the words.}
i'm guest posting at mrs. french's blog...le bliss. {sorry...i meant bliss.}
fly to me, won't you? say oui...

by the way. did i ever tell you about the time i met amy of little alouette? no? then i will now.
she was on the phone in a hotel lobby, which is always how the best stories begin, you know. gesturing wildly and telling some finn person that mommy loves you and i miss you and no, i love you more and i miss you so much, baby.
her curls were shiny blonde chubby circles. you couldn't draw them more perfectly if you had a protractor. her eyes sparkled. they honestly sparkled. and raced 'round the room to see everything all at once. which is always how artists' eyes are, you know.
her skin glowed. it honestly glowed. which i found particularly lovely because...if you know this lovely little thing...she's not the sort to avoid smokes or starbucks or staying up all night singing with her husband. that eight-glasses-of-water-a-day and ten-hours-of-uninterrupted-sleep business is for the birds, yes?
oh. birds. specifically skylarks. if you're lucky enough to speak and write la langue d'amour, you'd know that little alouette means little skylark. there's even a nursery rhyme about those little guys.
which i find particularly lovely because...if you adore this lovely little amy as i do...she's exactly the sort to name her shop after a nursery rhyme with lyrics that go a little something like this...
skylark, gentle skylark. skylark, i shall pluck you. i shall pluck your head.
it sounds better in french. trust.
one more thing. do you know the first thing amy said to me? i do. she squealed with pure joy in that hotel lobby. smiled this rockstar kind of smile. with those blondie curls just dancing. and yelled ohmygodiknewyou'dbetinyandcool!
it sounds better when she says it. trust.
one more thing. when you buy a goodie from her shop? it feels like she's sending you a piece of her joy.
I *love, love, LOVE!* your description of Amy!!
you have such a wonderful way of describing things that it makes me want to be there too, experiencing the magic between the two of you.
How beautiful! And how special, that the two of you met. What a fantastic way to describe someone and now, I want my very own skylark. Trust. Oh, I do!
I really want to be you when I grow up.
Oh, Karey. You always have the nicest things to say about people. You make everyone you touch feel like a million dollars. It's like you leave fairy dust in your wake.
you got amy exactly right. exactly. all of it. perfection.
only i'm officially jealous that she met you in person and i didn't ;-)
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