04 August 2011

a winner...

you're all winners to me.

seriously. if we were in a race together, i'd let you win even if i was way faster. which i am not. if we were having a hold-your-breath or don't-you-dare-blink-first contest, it wouldn't even be a contest. i'd laugh and blink and blow it all. geography or math? i'm sunk. my go-to answers are always myanmar and seventy-eleventy, and those are rarely the right answers.

so it pains me that only one of you can win these kick-smash {i'm trying to swear less. which means i'm making up more words.} business cards from UPrinting. they are a lovely company. i've printed with them before, and i swear she's going to be thrilled when she gets her new cards. she needs a little giftie.

i think i may be giving something else away next week. and i've just decided that someday i will hold a give-away where you all win something. promise.

cat found here. i'm allergic to cats, so this one is out for me. but i am very interested these days in getting another tattoo. like, the girlies' names on my wrist. now that would make a genius weekly wrist post, wouldn't it? have a sweet weekend, you little sweethearts. tell me if you get a tattoo, will you! i'll be jeally...


Richie Designs said...

I'll give you stuff for a giveaway! swear

GoP said...

I got a tattoo on the back of my neck about two months ago. "Aiyimita" which is a Choctaw word that means "To be bold"

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

"RATS" ~ it's my in the moment tattoo wish for being a sore loser. ha!

now, i cannot recall, do you already have a tattoo or two? i do have one ~ a high school graduation gift accompanied with my dad. mine is on my ankle: a bleeding rose. his is on his right arm: a firefighter tazmanian devil.