our fancy camera broke. we're not sure how or why or what or all those other questions that make a story more interesting and detailed, but we are pretty certain of the when.
the first day of our beach holiday.
no worries. after every gorgeous sunshine or sunset or plain old sandy moment, i just tried not to blink so the image would stick to my eyeballs. {yeah. pat didn't think that was funny, either. until he nearly broke his neck and had a bloody tiptop of his head. then i think he didn't mind that i didn't have a camera.}
a quick shot via my phone, then, of what i'm wearing on my wrist these days.

i'm making lots of noise.
the cuff on the end and the four bangles are from a souk jeweler in saudi arabia just after esmé was born. i wore them every day back then for at least her first year. there was probably another gift for my wrist that replaced them as my dailies, and they've sat in an emerald green velvet box ever since.
i took them out again for the beach, and the first time esmé heard them...i swear, she was doing her latest ravensburger and she sat back, looked at me with the roundest little ice-blue circles like she maybe remembered, and kind of shook her head.
"where did you get those?" she asked. but not in her usual "ooh! where'd you get that?" way.
"daddy picked these out for me when you came to us," i explained. "i wore them every day when you were a baby."
she shook her head again and asked, "i can't remember that, can i?" all the while, thinking that she honestly remembered that jangle and clangle.
i told her i didn't know, but i pretty much believe that we get to keep one or two memories from when we were brand new. and that she's lucky if this is her one...because mine is made of chicken pox scabs on my bum.
it's my birthday on july third. i usually start announcing it way earlier than this, but time has been escaping me lately. like, i missed our wedding anniversary last week. when uncle sugar reminded me of how long we've been married, i gasped and said "we've known each other for THAT LONG?!" he scowled and replied fake-patiently, "no, karey. {he never calls me karey.} we knew each other for five years before we got married." whoa. that is weird math. anyway. i have a sweet reader who wanted to sponsor one of my weekly wrist posts. i'm sure we can arrange something. that something might involve one of these diamond bracelets from birks. or these! doesn't it give you chills when jewelry has significance? if you ever could, would you buy something like that? oh! and here's another question i'm dying to have you answer: what's your most expensive piece of jewelry? tell me, please? p.s. my green beads were $4.99. there. xoxo.
I love the weekly wrist! When I lived in Hong Kong, I wore a jade bracelet every day. Once I got back to the states, my days had a lot more piano and computer keyboards in them, and the bracelet got in the way. So now it only comes out on special occasions.
Most expensive piece of jewelry? Well, probably my engagement ring/wedding band set. Although, there are these gold bracelets I wore at my wedding...they are the same ones my MIL wore to her wedding, and they will go to my oldest son's wife when he gets married. They are super, duper yellow and make you feel like Wonder Woman. Those two things are pretty much tied for sentimental value!
i'm officially on the lookout now for cuffs that make me look like wonder woman.
in silver.
seriously... you are one of the bright spots I look forward to everyday.
Probably my watches. I like the mixing of high-end and low-end..it's way more creative. I rarely wear my wedding ring anymore and instead wear cute rings. My fave right now is a band with three rings inside that twist and turn. They remind me of my three babes and I love to twist them when I get nervous or worried about things-- like sending kiddos to camp without me.
That would have to be my wedding/engagement ring. BUT it's special not because of the cost but because my first husband REFUSED to spend any money on my wedding ring so my mom gave me one of her diamonds but my soul mate (my current husband) wanted to spend anything but of course then it didn't matter.
My most expensive piece of jewelry is my wedding ring. My precious! It was given to me in a very "gift of the magi" moment
my 1964 rolex. oh yes.
leigh! that is a kind thing to say. makes me feel bad about my hater post yesterday! ha.
sherry. we are just starting to think about camp. but then we both wave away those nasty thoughts. someday...
jana...i prefer the gentleman with whom you've landed. that's a nice story.
dawn. start blogging. just start writing and post a pretty picture. this is an order.
erica. just got chills. and almost used the eff word in my response to you. instead, i'll replace with holy heck. old flipping school. well done.
i love this post series! and would definitely sponsor you if i made jewels...
favorite piece? my antique 3 stone diamond ring that's a family heirloom worn on my left hand. for now, it reminds me that even if i don't find a soulmate i have a family who adores me enough to trust me with this ring ;) but in all honesty, it reminds my of my family and roots - you know we southerners like to sparkle!
I have a set of three rings that I stack together on my right hand that I live for.
one teeny tiny band with chips so small that they can hardly be called diamonds. I bought it for myself after my divorce. The only thing I missed about him was wearing a ring.
The second band with larger chips and a fancy designer name I bought for myself with money my grandma left for me. She and I were very close and after she passed all of her jewelry went to my aunt and her daughters. I picked something out to remember her by.
the biggest of the three was a combo. An emerald my mom gave me in another setting for my HS graduation and I took it and built a fantastic ring with some sparkliers for my 35th birthday.
those rings mean the world to me - one because I love them and two for their meaning.
My engagement ring is quite nice as well...because it was my great grandmothers setting with the diamond that my dad gave my mom years ago. Plus...it came from my love.
Gorg wrist! I wish I could wear more but my wrists are so tiny it's almost embarrassing.
I am so sorry your camera broke.
i love these stories. i was super lucky, my close friend is a watch repair guy. it meant, though, i worked off my refurbished computer for another two years, because it was my computer savings.
i love your weekly wrist and hope that my wrists want to get back in the game someday of adorning themselves....
right now they're going for that nude look....like they're in brazil or something. crazy wrists !!
and most expensive....my diamond wedding ring and bands that we re-did at our 10 year anniversary when my hubby could afford to splurge :)
Your blog makes me happy. How do you manage to say everything in the best way possible?
My engagement ring my most expensive piece of jewelry... how original haha. But my love picked it out all by himself... he did a good job!
OMG, i'm after wonder woman cuffs too! meanwhile, i'm layering and clanking along...the more the merrier! always love your weekly wrist posts.
wait, are we talking about wrists? a bonnie bracelet for all y'all.
You gorgeous thing you....I LOVE your weekly wrist, I do. SO sorry your camera broke & that Uncle Sugar knocked HIS noggin! Isn't that they second time for him? Didn't he recently get hurt or am I making that up? At any rate.....you KNOW how I feel about jewelry although my personal stash isn't totally your thing. My most expensive piece is my engagement ring and wedding ring and I adore them. Cause they were from my best friend.
I really love bracelets, you catch a glimpse of them and they remind you of beauty, and possibly your own beauty, also strength, if a metal. :) For the keyboard work, if you get a cuff it works fine, because you can make it tighter and push it up your wrist and get it out of the way. New discovery for me. :)
My most expensive gift is a Rado watch which my husband bought for me in Qatar!
Again, it'd be my engagement ring. And that wasn't even THAT much, but I love it utterly. Just found your blog, yay! It's a good 'un. Folowing.
I love your blog. :)
My birthday is on the 5th! Happy Birthday! That would make you a fellow Cancer! :D
My DSLR just recently broke too, but ended up in me purchasing a more exciting camera, so I'm not sad anymore.
As for jewelry, I never buy myself expensive pieces, but my boyfriend (bless his heart) seems to think the more money it costs, the nicer it is. He's given me $300.00 pieces before (and while to some that's pretty mild) but for me.. it's quite extravagant!
I'm a regular kind of wrist girl. Everyday the same exact pieces until one day, a new piece finds it's way and one is retired. Right now it's wedding/ering on the left, my most expensive jewelry purchase ever on my right and my seven silver bangles on my left. The money number on my right is a gorgeousstunningbreathtaker of a ring by John Hardy. I don't spend money on myself often. I feel silly and wasteful when I do. Unless it's something so beautiful I can't imagine life without it. This ring is it. Saw it while honeymooning in Vegas and walked away knowing there was no way I could afford it. Later the same day struck gold on a slot machine and bought myself the ring. It was kismet. I have this romantic idea in my head that there are pieces of jewelry we're meant to find - from past lives that give us what we need - strength, peace, focus. You find each other. I got it from the movie Teen Witch. Love it.
Happy Birthday! Just found your blog via Ana... I love your wrist posts! One of my fave noises is bangles on the wrist. Most expensive jewelry is probably the diamond earrings from hubby on our wedding day :)
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