30 January 2011


an egyptian protester kisses a riot police officer.

lots of explaining around these parts these days, lots of missing where we once lived...and all our most hopeful thoughts.

really. all of them.

image i won't soon forget found here.


Andrea said...

I feel like I'm walking the tightrope between hope and fear.

goodniteirene.wordpress.com said...

oh my.

tears...lots of them.

this is just too much.


Shannon said...

wow. His eyes are haunting, a man doing his job, possibly with a broken heart, for a possibly broken country. If prayers help, they have been said, for the past six nights, peace please.

karey m. said...

shannon! i know...his eyes just kill me. and it's something else, too. just how families and especially a mother can transcend anything that's happening among the people. god, it's weighing on me.

andrea...i miss you and your gingerbread houses.

and my katie. your words are always perfection. they just are. xo

Kristin said...

this gives me chills. i would just love to know what he's thinking behind that stoic expression.

peege said...

worried homesick would be the right description for me over here, panicked as hell also works.

missing you xxx

jules @ The Diversion Project said...

that is one seriously powerful image!