15 September 2010


i think i'm just beginning to realize that i've got my girlies three at schools three.

each school seems to have a lot of rules and timings and forms and events. and, of the lot, i'm only really good with events. it's just the timings of said events that bring me down.

there's so much to this making people business that no one told me at orientation. like all these darn details. and that there'd be loads of other children. i am not a fan of details. i am also not a fan of loads of other children. especially thoughtless ones.

this morning, as we were walking one of the three into one of the three, we spotted this shy little thing in a super-cute plaid outfit. she was tugging on it, which was a solid sign to me that it was fresh new. a few of us complimented the plaid effusively. one of us glared.

ya know, suggested esmé, ya really don't know huh.

she is so new york these days, it's killing me.

but i explained that i still remember every compliment ever thrown at me. and how it's nice to have a bunch of those in your pocket when you get the opposite of compliments.

which lillie caught a little while later.

i'll spare all of us the details. but an otherwise sweetheart of a girl told lillie she looked dull. trust me on this one: dull bounces off lillie. even if you threw a big sticky ball of dull at that girl, there's no way she could ever catch it.

we all have limitations. an inability to be dull is not a bad one with which to be cursed, i think.

anyway. i felt like growling. i can't explain it any better than that. growling, karey? ugh. but, i mean, i did not want lillie to begin her day thinking she looked at all dull. it just felt like this would be one of those opposite of compliments she'd remember.

i know her pockets are overflowing. i do. i'm just...annoyed. does this ever happen to you?

in other news, esmé was so pleased this morning by her outfit sent from her nona in illinois. mommy! she squealed. my pants rhyme with my dress!

clothes should rhyme, yes?

my friend raved about her pins. consider me raving, too. i can't say that i entirely understand how to pinterest, but it is mad addictive to eat up everyone's boards. inspiration overload with every pin. plus? the guys behind it are really nice. i'm pretty sure i met one of them called ben at alt design summit. that's all i need to tell you today, isn't it? i'm thinking it is. and thank you. i feel better about lill already. that's the sweet thing about having you all listen to my silliness. xoxo.


Brandi said...

i miss my lilacs. you have some really pretty ones here. and i think it's good to stuff people's pockets full of compliments. i often wish i did it more but sometimes i get all tongue tied. no more of that. maybe the more we compliment others, the more likely they are to pass it on. maybe that little one didn't get enough of them at home; little ones are so observant of things like that. sigh, i'm learning my lesson about that this week.

(and pinterest is wonderfully addicting, though i tend to pin more than repin. repins are a lovely compliment though. i'm off to pay some of those.)

Raleigh-Elizabeth said...

lovely lovely lovely, except the little girl who clearly mis-spoke. but while i was reading this, i found out that the organization i desperately want to hire me wants me to come in for an interview - a day after i emailed the people who interviewed me to thank them and ask if, while they're so desperately understaffed i could do anything on spec to help lighten the load. anyway, so in this course of congratulations-we're-taking-you-to-the-next-step email was also a don't-bother-them-again-the-volume (one?!)-of-your-emails-won't-help-you etc note. and instead of being elated, which i guess i am, i'm also kind of bummed - like hey, i was writing to say thanks (appropriate) and to offer any help i can give (your silence was rejection so don't worry about it), but do you also need to reprimand too?
anyway. it felt like someone had told shiny me that i was dull. and then suddenly your whole post made me feel better.

i'm pretty sure there wasn't a point there besides thanks.

karey m. said...

brandi! you and i both had pinterest on the brain today! and i hope this week wasn't too too bad for you. people who think compliments are a foreign language suck.

and r-e...i get it. and i do NOT like it. i know you want to work for them but remember that saying {which i will surely get wrong...but i think maya angelou said it first?} when people tell you who they are, you should listen.

and if i wrapped up a box of dull and sang happy birthday to you and begged you to open it, you'd STILL never be dull.

{you either, brandi.} xoxo.

susan said so said...

oh those little barbs and stings can hurt so much! at least with the really BIG ones you've got shock on your side. those mean-spirited or just plain thoughtless ones, though, those are just awful.

starting tomorrow, i'm going to make it a point to fill people's pockets with the good stuff. thanks for the reminder that we can all help each other keep our pockets full.


Melissa de la Fuente said...

Oh god...I love this post so very much. And I adore the comments from Brandi, R-E & your responses. It made me giggle out loud : " ...and if I wrapped up a box of dull.." ( giggle) I HATE when that happens, truly I do...to my girls. And i am not a fan of loads of other children either...what can I say? I also adore esme & her new yorkiness & these lilacs. And I adore you....clothes should rhyme, YES. This post makes my day....I wish I could marry it. ;)

Barchbo said...

Compliments are so wonderful!

And think of all of those thoughtless children of whom you aren't much of a fan...and how they are learning that thoughtlessness most likely from their parents. Who don't compliment and encourage them! Crazy, right? I love that you stopped to tell a little girl how darling she looked today - she'll treasure that!

Cheers and happy weekend!