uncle sugar always asks what will make me happy. i like that he thinks that way.
i mean, it's easy to know what makes someone mad; just follow the passive-aggressive tones and sighs. happiness is a lot quieter, though. subtle. elusive. sometimes slippery for a superstitious girl like me.
but it's a really good question to ask yourself periodically, yes? because, eventually, you'll find the most basic ingredients to your own joy.

last week, on one of our many bike rides into town from our beach house, i braked. stole a quick sip from the italian ice i was bringing home for lillie while i waited for him to roll up beside me. and told him this. this makes me happy.
he nodded and smiled. and i didn't have to explain anything at all.
and that made the happiness i'd felt only seconds before? feel like nothing at all.
i am hyper-digging this i-loved-it-then-forgot-all-about-it blog. it's so dead-on true in its simplicity. her other blog is one of my absolute faves. and have you thought of this? what would make you happiest? what sort of life? what kind of day? tell me, if you have a second. i love hearing your stories. bike just like the one i wheeled all last week found here.
This made me teary. Peace makes me happy. Feeling peace withing myself makes me joyful.
glad you're back! and that vacation treated you well... two exceptionally fabulous posts back to back. xoxo, caroline
I go and get myself a coffee nearly every day...even though I work from home and could make it myself. Some days it's my only contact with other people so it's really important...plus when I pull back into the driveway it feels like I'm "arriving to work"
oh the things that I do to trick myself!
Oh....I can picture that. Completely. That story makes me happy, my girls make me happy, my hubby doing the incredibly thoughtful things he does makes me happy ( for example- we had been away from him for 2 weeks before we got up here to Chatauqua where he is working....when we arrived ( before Chooch konked her head) he had laid out gifts for us...and groceries that he knew we would be needing. And an anniversary prezzie for me ( the watch I had been swooning over) A perfect day for me would be....waking up and having brunch at our house, on the porch ( a sweet breeze blowing) all of our favorite folks would be there and then we would all head to a house by the beach, that we would rent for the weekend and all have a ball together. Ending with a bbq, all the kids playing, the mom's having done some awesome shopping :) and then we the kids were all played out and went to bed, we would all sit out with a glass of wine and laugh and chat into the wee hours. Ah....heaven. Oh, there are dogs here too of course....
you make me happy and you inspire me. all my friends do in different ways. i love that. i'm trying to figure out a lot of the bigger happy questions right now. i've applied to some fantastic jobs in fantastic cities and i can't wait to see where the world takes me. i think it'll be fabulous, you know?
Reading this makes me happy! I'm so glad you're in a good place. There are a lot of things that bring me joy like reading, writing, blogging, photography, art, sunshine, poetry, bike riding, the beach, midnight adventures, and just being with my friends.
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