i really want to buy lillie this poster...

but something important needs to happen first. otherwise, it's just plain old taunty.
did i ever tell you i met her at alt design summit? before we met, i'd agonize daily to mary ruffle because i was desperate to become the next keep calm and carry on. but after we met? i was so utterly floored by her kindness and oh no...enough about me...i'd rather hear about you giant heart, that my goal of what i wanted to become sort of changed. this newest poster of hers is fabulous, isn't it? who, besides lillie kate mackin, doesn't have a dog? also. my friend suzanne bought something from here, too. have you browsed it yet? also also. does anyone have a puppy for my lillie? say yes...
I don't have a dog. The only pet I was ever allowed to have was a hermit crab and it died. Now I live in an apartment and I could have a pet but since even my cacti die, I don't think it's a good idea.
I want a doggy too! Some day!!
I have an old dog...he has cataracts and he barks like mad, oh, and always leaves you presents that you weren't even hoping for. Would you like him? ha!
I wouldn't give him to you if you wanted him because it just might ruin our bloggy friendship. :-) He is that naughty.
I love golden doodles and french bulldogs....i just like the way they look.
Good luck, you will find the right dog for your sweet Lillie!
funny that this was your post today. we have a small, very laid back maltese named charlie. this morning my friend dropped off her two black labs (one is a puppy). they are headed to a funeral and we have her doggies for 2 days. it's supposed to cure my 'big dog fix'. doggie daycare has only been open for 2 hours and it's already a lot of work. i'm hoping i'm the kind of person my friend thinks i am. she has faith that i can handle it.
Oh, I love hearing all of that about Victoria...and yes, I love this poster! I wish I had a pup for lillie! If you need any doggie advice, just let me know! :)
ps thank you for your sweet comment my friend..I loved it!
ugly girl...you crack me up!
oh, jane flanagan. you need a pup. a lanvin one.
la la trina. i'm a big fan of presents, but not that kind. plus cataracts make me squirm. i'd be a horrible old person/old dog nurse.
sherry! this is the second time my post seems like it was written just for you...i sure hope you don't find the video cams i've installed in your home. my writing career would be OVER!
and melis...your. girls. are. CAH-UTE! rosebud lips and drop dead inky eyes...love.
Amazing, isn't she? I was kind of bowled over to be sitting with her and Gayla for sushi dinner and both of them were the sweetest, lovliest most genuine gals. Makes you so happy for all of their successes.
And yes, pups are kind of heart-achingly wonderful. It's amazing how quickly you can forgive all of the times they pee behind your desk chair even after you swore they were potty-trained *ahem*.
i agree with you: victoria is a gem. and that poster is fantastic. you do need to find a puppy, but i have no doubt that when the time arrives, the right puppy will come along. you'll lock eyes and that will be it: another, slightly hairier child.
(post script: thank you for the advice on the dress and bracelets. you're so very right. i was thinking of getting bangles but what a disaster that would have been.)
no dog, no fish, no cacti, no kid...sorry nothing to offer up today!
I'm going to second the vote on the French Bulldog though. Small enough for the girls to put outfits on, large enough to protect them all ;)
Oh I have a puppy, she turned 11 on Sunday...and she drives me insane when I find Ave's "fridge farm" magnets behind her bed half chewed, or the mate to one of Ave's shoes lying under her hairy body all slobbery and wet, and when she decides that rainy mornings are the best to take a tour of the neighborhood agghhhhhh. However when my girl swoops up next to her in her excited, I am going to get you, glory and she just lies there and lets her pat away, I can't help but love her gentle spirit.
I love this print! Thanks for sharing, it will be mine in 5-7, and I know right where it will be placed!
Oh. I hadn't seen that poster. It's perfect!
And the sing me to sleep pillows make me think of Morrissey.
karey, i think the presence of our dog in our save-the-dates says it all. we are total suckers for her, david even more so than me. and boy, that poster just might be required hanging in our house.
ps. what exactly happened to bear again? who was crazy enough to take her?!
I have 6 dogs of my own, and have, in the past, had as many as 22 in my house (Russell Rescue Inc.). I willingly and gratefully spend my work days surrounded by homeless dogs and cats, waiting for their luck to change.
I'm Shelter Manager of a large open admissions shelter, and I'm willing to bet my last dollar that if you visit your local shelter(s) and rescue(s) you'll find The. Perfect. Dog. And you'll save a life.
awww -- i lovelove it! my little puglet turns 3 in june... i can't believe it!
oh wow wow wow when did you get back? I am sooooooo excited! :) You have made my day! no, week! (and thats sayin alot because this has been a stellar week if there ever was one). SO GLAD I found you again!
Local pound. We went there 'just to look.' Ha! Needless to say, we have a dog. Now we also have a fish, but that was because we went to get dog food at the pet store and somehow got 'tricked' into owning a fish, too. A fish named Fishy. Kids have special powers, no? I know a dog will find Lillie very soon! :)
ps: and yes. Victoria sounds like the real thing. I hope to meet her some day. Maybe you, too. You most definitely sound like the real thing, my dear.
We got a puppy on Tuesday .. I think the same day you posted this? The excitement has left me a few days behind on my feed reader, but he's napping at my feet now so I'm hurrying to catch up on everything. We got him from a shelter and I'm obsessed with how adorable he is. Good luck finding the perfect puppy for your Lillie!
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