i didn't eat much yesterday.
the girlies three and i made sand, which is exactly like dirt except with vanilla pudding and smushed up golden oreos. we stuck swedish fish in at the end, although nudie sour patch kids were also considered.
it was all very yummy until lillie asked "so...are the fish dead and washed up on the beach?"

she is good to have around if you're ever dieting. she's at that age where she spells everything in her head. do you remember doing that? like, your mom would say something like "set the table, honey." and you'd do it while mouthing t-a-b-l-e-c-o-m-m-a-h-o-n-e-y.
so when i ask lill to grab three bowls, i see her lips moving. her forehead crunch up. and then her chandelier smile, full-on wattage.
"how do you spell bowels?"
did you hear that? it was the sound of my appetite losing it. because then i had to get all anatomy with grae and assure her that yes, everyone has bowels and yes, everyone probably looks at you and knows you have bowels, too.

what's worse is that esmé now has a new pronunciation of bowls. no. i take that back. if i'm being completely honest with you? what's worse is that i had to google what are bowels and what do they do. exactly.
oh. did you hear that? it was the sound of my adult card being revoked.
the first kitchen, found here, is a dream to me. the second, found here, is a dream for the girlies three. outdoors plus bird cages. made better only if there are actual birds flitting about the table. they are begging hard for a bird this week, which i'm actually considering. i mean, a bird in the kitchen? i'd never eat! xoxo and have a sweet day, friends.
These are both dreamy to me.....could we have both? :) and now I am thinking my adult card will be revoked too because do I know EXACTLY what bowels do? I am not sure.....maybe I should google it . You? are wonderful......
my boyfriend's family had a bird for years who used to join them at the dinner table -- well, he had a separate perch. the bird would sit there, twittering along as the family talked, then return to his cage after the meal. so it might not be bad. though i'm sure you'd have to get three. and i'm in full agreement on these rooms. one day, i will do tile like that on my kitchen walls. i'll order it from Morocco and secretly be worried that all the tiles might crack in the shipping process, but then i'll learn how to tile and be proud of my work. such is the plan.
One day I want to have a room filled with bird cages...minus the birds. Is that weird?
melis...let's have a fish kitchen like all the omanis do! i'm in.
brandi. let's start a collective where we teach {first learn!} how to make cool stuff like this. and then install it. deal?
and lauren...you're total opposite of what the girlies three are dreaming! cracks me up...
lillie and i are on the very same wavelength - i wondered the same thing about the fish before i even got to the 2nd paragraph!
Uh-oh. I think my adult card needs to be revoked as well. Rats!
Love both of those images. In fact, at some point in this blogging life I know I've professed my love for both of those "rooms" over on Head Over Heels. No surprise that you love them as well. Sigh. I have some serious tile envy. And those shades of blue-green...oh my!
kelly...you ARE lillie.
maria. i'm in good company.
and nelya! crap crap crap! i was over at your SIGHT this morning, which sent me on to, like seventy different places chock full of inspiration...you should've been credited, i'm sure. SORRY SORRY SORRY! you know how i feel about you and your genius space...xoxo.
Isn't there some book you can buy called 'everyone poops' - that explains all this stuff? I'm sure there is because i vaguely remember a stage of life where i was desperate to get my hands on a copy (and i'm pretty sure i already knew about pooping by then).
and a big thank you for the kirtsy, the devine Ms. M,....mucho appreciato :)
Oh you are the bes-test most fun-est Mum ever. Marriage pact still solidly intact... I'm working on them for you... making them the best husbands for your gorgeous girlies. Just need to do the same continent thing, some time in the near future. A-M xx
Ps Thanks for peeking. I peek too. I'm 'Brisbane'.
Found your blog through Lil Bee. You are my newest obsession!!!
i have yet to find sour patch kids out here. which is either awful or a very good thing, since i'm addicted.
Oh how I adore that green kitchen!
Google took my adult card away from me too long ago.
Not sure I ever had an adult card.
My husband says he is sure. I never did.
Whaddya know? I've never missed it.
I am sitting at my laptop in the February sun and my three budgies are yapping their fool heads off and ruining my mood. Rethink the birds. I love them, but.....
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