i don't own pretty enough words to tell you about our holiday. esmé said it best when she walked downstairs on christmas morning.

is this a true story? she gasped.
i think it is. happily ever after, all.
if you'd like, you can read about my favorite holiday tradition over on s.hoptalk. and even though i didn't get a peacock cloche this year, my gifts - given and gotten - were quite perfect. photo via spiderlashes.
you're back! you're back! all is right in the world again.
cheek kiss right, cheek kiss left, cheek kiss right!!!
thrilled to hear you had a brilliantly magical holiday. so glad you're back, but i'm glad the things that kept you busy were beautiful ones.
how sweet is she?! glad you have returned :)
that's the absolute sweetest response to christmas i've ever heard.
Having you back is the cherry on top of the holiday trifle!
i believe esme's response perfectly sums up christmas. so glad you are back...so VERY glad!
Also that we would do without your excellent idea
Esme's words sound like perfect ones to sum up your holiday. Glad it was wonderful, and I hope you enjoyed every minute of your mom's visit! Have a very Happy New Year!
i'm glad your holiday was so lovely! it sounds like perfection.
you and your girls are magic.
I just read and reread and then read out loud to my husband. Are your daughter's for real?? I can't handle the cute and the innocence.
Karey, are you sure YOU'RE a true story?
Your writing is magic.
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