my mom is here with me. and all of a sudden i feel ten years old again.
forget that i've girlies of my own. for the next eight days, i'm happily her girlie.

we'll go for walks and i'll spill all the words i've been saving since we were last together. she'll listen to them all. twice. we'll laugh the most at my most awkward moments. and all the tears in my eyes? she'll dry them. all the cracks in my heart? she'll mend them. she always travels with band-aids. the good kind that don't hurt when you pull them off. not those crummy spongebob ones that esmé makes me buy.
i'm lucky. i know that. but, man...this has been a year. and i always get a little weepy-sentimental around the holidays, you know? tell me you know.
i'm not sure how i feel about oh nine yet. i don't know if i'll miss him. i'm thinking i won't, but you never know. also, i am desperately hoping ten will live up to her name. i'm looking forward to meeting her.
anyway. i'm taking time off from mackin ink. just until my mom leaves and i'm all growns up again.

i'll be back before the year changes, ok? but there'll be no break from the sweeterie. mary ruffle declined my holiday request. so we'll continue to post daily over there. which is exactly fine with me...that place adds stars to my sky. it just does.
so. catch you later. save up your stories for me, will you? say yes...
i heart weheartit. also...will you keep your fingers crossed that i don't break my ankle again? we have some mini getaways planned that both frighten and thrill me. xoxo. and happy days ahead to you all.
Have a simply magical time with your mom and the rest of your family. Holidays are always such a superbly wonderful much to celebrate.
i know it's 'we heart it' but i can't help reading it as 'we hear tit' which, since i'm a bird lover, doesn't necessarily mean anything dirty. but it's also dirty.
and, yes, you can share that with your mom if you want. And remind her that at the end of her kairos letter to me she wrote: "P.S., Or do you call me 'Rosemary'?"
love to ALL. b
Merry Christmas! And enjoy your mother, you deserve some time to be a girlie again.
enjoy your time being pampered, adorned, and loved by your mama. there is nothing like it. 0-10 will be grand. you make too much magic for it to be anything less than that. merry christmas. happy new year.
i know.
and i agree: oh-nine? definitely a him. ten is totally a her.
here's to looking forward, and lots of mom time.
Merry Merry Christmas! Enjoy every second with your Mom ...she sounds quite spectacular....just as mom's should be!
xx Trina
i know, the holidays make me sentimental and weepy also. enjoy loving on your mama and being loved on.
yesterday i told 09 to not let the door hit him on the bottom on his way out. except i said ass instead of bottom. here's hoping 10 will be exactly what we need her to be...and so much more.
the holidays. i know. take this time with mom. many thanks for the extended holiday hours at the sweeterie. stars to your sky, beats to my heart.....
xo, katie
happiest of holidays. I hope all you girlies have tons of giggle time
awwww happy holidays to you and your family! enjoy them :)
Enjoy being her girlie again. It's one of my favourite things for sure.
P.S. I don't think I ever said - thank you for the kirtsy!
Oh you sweet thing. Enjoy your Mum! A-M xx
Mamas make our worlds go round-n-round!
just a little note...i always look forward to your words. happy holidays and enjoy the time with your mama, and everyone else who is in your heart.
Definitely understand about the holidays. I think it's part of being a grown up, and maybe tied into that thing that makes us all 10 again when our mothers are around.
Enjoy it all.
Oh, I 'so know'. I've been an emotional wreck lately and my dearest darling mother has copped the lot. I've had time in hospital and breakages of the heart and mum has been my crutch. And I forget sometimes she is human as well. But that is the thing, mums are super human. lucky hey xx
Have a great time with your mom, K! My mom carries those bandaids around with her, too. Aren't they the best?
Oh--and I quite liked oh nine. She brought me the best present of all;)
Oh, this breaks my heart ( in a good way) I so hope my girls feel this way about me one day....and I hope you feel completely and lovingly taken care of and rejuvenated for 2010. I will miss you but, will be here when you get back. Have a wonderful, wonderful holiday my friend.
oooh have a splendid time with your mom.
happy holidays friend.
Just dropping by to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas
and a big thank you for your friendship throughout the past year.
From a very snowy UK
Di (Designers Block)
oh nine was nicer than oh eight. except for the birth of baby. i'm thinking oh ten (as i like to refer to her) is going to keep the party going all while keeping the house clean and making sure refreshments are filled and bathrooms are clean. oh ten, i look forward to your hosting skills.
Here it is Christmas Eve and I have a pile of things still to do. Before I don my little elf hat and get busy, I wanted to stop by and wish you and yours a very merry Christmas. May this holiday season bring you much joy and laughter. May the gifts you give be received with delight. May your home ring with laughter. Merry Christmas to you and your girlies three.
Oh, merry Christmas to Uncle Sugar, you Mom and all the rest of your loves.
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