oh, man. what've we done?
i have to tell you...i'm scared. i just filled an entire paragraph with worries and zero-confidence ickiness, but then deleted. instead, i will tell you something interesting. less worrisome and way more positive, in fact.

like how esmé remains unmoved by any midnight threat i throw at her. except. except. {and please know that i am bright pink while i type in these next words.} except there's a chubby can outside who will run in and give us candy if he knows we're still awake!
actually. it would be closer to the truth if you replaced chubby with bloody. can with man. let's see...waiting outside who will run in...yep. accurate. oh. please delete the give us candy section and insert kill us dead. blah blah blah awake. ok. we should be on the same page now.
{louder crickets.}
when i'm nervous and in full-on panic mode, i tend to spill secrets. i am low on secrets this morning. but my second most popular panic maneuver is to tap dance. shuffle ball-change hop brush step.
ugh. this post was a total waste of your time. i'm sorry. plus mortified. and i just know that mary ruffle's going to run in and give me candy when she reads this. will you go look at our shoppe anyway? say yes...
this is not a photo you can purchase in our t.ruffle shoppe. and i am sorry about that, too. you know how i feel about marshmallows. but i'm pretty sure you'll forgive me when you see the rest of monica eisenman's food styling talents. and hopefully you'll forget all about that chubby can business above when you see mary ruffle's photos. they are flat-out happiness on an eight by ten.
Wonderful! Love the new t.ruffle shoppe! So perfectly perfect!
my mind is trying to imagine a chubby can and is coming up blank, LOL.
A chubby can?! hahaha...
I am so giddy about our new little venture. xoxo!
the t.ruffle shoppe is beyond delightful. congratulations!
don't worry, when i get nervous i giggle like a manic hyena. and always at horribly inappropriate things. it's mortifying, but only for people around me.
marshmallows creep me out (their texture) but that photo? so beautiful.
Just added the shop as a fav!! Super cute ladies... so glad you opened a shop.
oh and pretty please come tap with me... i need tappin friends :)
It's so so so so so awesome! The picnic one is my favorite.
More! MORE!
(Oh, and congratulations.) :)
Congrats on the new shop! It's absolutely fantastic. I've already got my eye on one print. It's my birthday this months so I should splurge just a wee bit, yes?
well, if that doesn't get her to sleep, nothing will.
It's a good thing I have you around to get me off my lazy butt to actually post all my bookmarked finds. :)
P.S. Lovely etsy shop. Especially the pinch of magic one.
congrats on opening a shop!
and thanks for the laughs!
Love the post, love the shop and LOVE the photo. My mouth is now watering. Off to find sweets now...
Hurrah! Terrifically exciting!
And clearly you were a cockney in a previous life, doing your 'tap dance. shuffle ball-change hop brush step' up the apples and pears with the chubby can. :)
Oh, man..! I am so very happy for you and Mary...! The shop looks great - congratulations for taking the plunge!
Nothing you post is ever a waste of my time, missy. CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so happy for you guys!!
Oh my goodness! I am so excited! So very excited! I am off to mark it as my fave, twitter about it and post about it and....and....and....shout it from the mountain tops! :) Congratulations you two! YAY!
yep, that shop is lovely! and the magic is my favorite, too. : )
now, about that "chubby can" - i'm trying to imagine miss mé's response, but i am forever stuck with the image of her smacking your mouth, so i think you'd better just tell me. (oh god, i'm channeling her!!)
would it help if i said please? would it help if i told you that, "him's had enough of the flyin'" has become code for "i'm ready for you to stop" in my world?
I l.o.ve. it!
And I think I want my name to be z.akary from now on.
When I draw a blank, you get a list. When you draw one, we get shrieks of laughter. I'll take your way - every time. I'm off to your new shop. Congratulations on your new venture!
Congrats! AND "Flat out happiness on an 8 x 10..."well that's a delightful description;)
Is there another word for RockStar because you totally surpass this status! Seriously. Amazing.
how delightful! hooray for you & mary!!
i rushed over as soon as i heard...apparently, i am slow and rickety, because i am not at all on the ball (besides the fact that the previous part rhymes). I am so flipping happy for you guys...i am thrilled about the shop, but may i please make a suggestion...a book. go to blurb at this very moment and make a book...i would buy it!
xo t
the story towards the end almost made me forget about my noisy son and naggy husband...yep, it's one of those evenings!
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