i'm swamped today. you probably are, too. so let's make this short and very. very. very. sweet.
mary and i want to give you a t.ruffle. we're closing the shoppe this weekend for a bit while we bake some new treats, so consider this a petite thank you and we like you very much and you're the best friends we've never met and can you make me a coffee, please? i am feeling lazy this morning.

and in the spirit of friendships, both real and imaginary, we're giving away two t.ruffles. one to keep and one to give.
it's quite difficult to win. first? you must sprint to etsy and choose your favorite t.ruffle. {this one is mary's. this one is mine. in case you needed help.} then? spin around seven times or until you're sufficiently dizzy. hop back here on one foot as fast as you can and leave a comment.
i'm teasing. you don't have to hurry. this isn't a t.ruffle t.race. it's a t.raffle.
seriously. just tell us your fave or anything at all. we'll choose the winner at noon tomorrow. and then i'll race to the post to get it to you pronto.
i really can't wait to hear from you. xoxo. and p.s. the winner will be chosen randomly but scientifically and perhaps even mathematically. i don't know what this means, but it sounds official, yes? plus kindness counts. so spread the word. and have a sweet day.
Oooh count me in. I couldn't quite manage to spin and hop back over but I did make it :) My favorite is the "I can stitch us togher," too. I love everything about it.
Hope your busy busy day is enjoyable!
x Trina
I love the 'big part of being a guardian angel is waiting" very sweet.
you and mary might be the sweetest ever. my favorite print is blooming. i think it needs to be hung in a bathroom right next to a mirror. other favorites of mine is the salty air near the beach. don't you just love that smell? oklahoma needs an ocean and a beach. i need to write to someone about this...
I'm already dizzy...from the thought of possibly having a t.ruffle of my own -
I do so LOVE the "I'll wait for you right here..." ...and know just the perfect someone to share it with.
I'll wait for you...
right here...
til noon tomorrow.
(Please, oh pretty please! ;-) )
But even if I'm not picked...I'll still be here. Your words are magical.
My favorite is i can stitch us together...but only because i already own i'll wait for you right here...
(psst...pick me)
My fave is "our picnic." Close second is "all my eggs."
You know I adore your work. It transports me. Need I say more?
Okay, here's more: Pick me!
Really I like all of them! If I had to choose 2 I'd pick "Our picnic" and "I can stitch us together..." But if I have to pick just one...it would be the stitches. I like the coffee beans in this post too, but that's not an option is it? I hope your holidays are lovely...(we'll miss you :) )
I love love LOVE the one about magic. Who doesn't need a little magic in their lives?
Happily ever after is my favorite. Thanks for the surprise give away!
They are all so wonderful and toasty to my soul, but a big part of being a guardian angel is the waiting renders me fuzzy every time I see. I know a guardian angel I'd love to share this with.
Oh seriously. How could I choose just one? I'll wait right here, and then the sprinkle magic, but the thread is gorgeous. Wow. I gotta add you to my favorites.
Oh man!!! Pick me, scientifically of course. I would love to have "I'll wait right here" and I would love to give my 'lil sis "blooming" because she tends to forget. Thanks for the holiday fun!
all my eggs please! i love the color, love the idea of being 'all in'.
happy holidays!
i like 'our picnic' the bestest. but only by a teeny tiny margin.
i am not, however, a fan of math.
I already bought my favorite, which happens to be yours too.
My second favorite it our picnic but I love stitch- oh the choices.
your magic sprinkles one always gives me chills.. mainly, because i do believe sprinkles work magic. xoxo and a lovely holiday season to you, Caroline
My favorite is your favorite..."A big part of being a guardian angel is the waiting." My husband and I have been waiting for the past 4 years to adopt (after years spent trying to conceive) have gone through a failed adoption from a country that has since closed to adoption from the US, and are now waiting and hoping feverishly to be chosen by a birth mother.
The words are appropriate, and the photo too (both of us up on that wire, waiting), and I was SO tempted to buy it when I saw it the other day, but of course we're saving for the adoption which has already cost us tens of thousands of dollars, and we haven't been buying anything other than necessities. :(
But yeah, I've pictured the photo in our baby-to-be's room, something I can look at and smile, knowing the wait is over.
"happily ever after..." That describes my husband and I to a "T"!
For the life of me I can't pick a favorite. I'm staring, staring, staring at them all (and maybe drooling over them a little) and there's just no favorite. Thank you t.ruffles girls for bringing so much light and inspiration to my days. xoxo
i have been lusting (lusting.) over 'our picnic'. i am dreaming about it in my kitchen. reminding me of the balance of it all.
xo, em
Truthfully, it is hard to choose.
Picnic and Blooming are my faves.
But what I really love is that you both just went for it. Inspiring to little me.
I can't get enough of t.ruffle. I'm in love with our picnic.
Oh, I do love the t.ruffle girls and their incredible, unique art. Oh, what a minute. That's you. Maybe I should stop before you think I'm trying for teacher's pet.
I completely love the guardian angel and pinch of magic, but the most perfect one to me is Once Upon A Time. It is so perfectly me and Jeffrey that I can't believe I'm not the one who wrote it.
Karey, your words just speak for us all. That's part of why we love you so much. Another is, of course, Mary's amazing photography.
Love this contest because I love your t.ruffles! My fav of the day (yes, it does change) is "Blooming"!
ohmagawd karey, it's impossible to pick just one.
impossible .
but if i had to, and i do because you said so, then i'd have to pick the one about the picnic with the pomegranates? yep. that one.
i don't enter contests. ever. i'm entering this one b/c i have been to your t.ruffles shop dozens of times and stared at every one wondering which to buy.
fingers crossed i'll win. if not, i'll buy one anyway :)
I'm new to t.ruffle (thanks Kirtsy!), but am so glad I found you. Many of them bring tears to my eyes. My fave is "our picnic," because my family is in that phase where most days are filled with chaotic "must-dos" and not enough "want-to-dos." It's a nice reminder that not every day can be perfect and that we should enjoy the "picnic" moments of life.
Ooh la la! t.ruffle. I'm so loving the "all my eggs..."
i heart the "pinch of magic" one! i know exactly who i would love to give it to! lovely!
I love the picnic one.... just a smidge more than the one with the spools of thread.
would be ecstatic about winning either of them!
i love-love-love 'our picnic' and also the gaurdian angel one... and also i just altogether love the sweeterie, it is always such a pretty place to be. i will be your imaginary friend any day. even if i don't win a thing.
Well, my absolute fave is magic, but it's already hanging on my wall!
My next favorite would be picnic, I think. But I'm really madly in love with each and every one.
what beautiful words at truffle girls today. exactly what i needed to hear during a rather yuck of a week. just wanted to let you know that...your words reminded me to be brave. and no hissy fits, those are for the timid birds.
my absolute favorite is the waiting angel bird. it's so beautiful :)
Guardian Angel wins hands down, Karey knows why,(insert gulp and stifled sob)
It makes me well up
it's a tie between
i'll wait for... and
all my eggs...
but they are all amazing!!
So cute! I like All My Eggs...perfectly sweet! xo
Oh....you two are just so sweet & lovely! I can't help it, my very favorite one is the one about being a guardian angel. But, listen you do NOT have to enter me in the giveaway(it probably wouldn't be fair) unless of course Esme is picking......then please tell her I said "Esme, pick me! Pick me!" :) hee hee...
This is the best t.raffle ever! I heart "I'll wait for you right here." Just makes my heart smile - doing some waiting of my own at the moment, but I know it will be worth it.
Count me in please, my favourite is stitch is together.
Count me in please, my favourite is stitch is together.
easy peasy: happily ever after...
i've been looking at it for well..days because really what is better than a happily ever after??
oh...sorry. Didn't mean to wake you while I grabbed a drink of water for the 8-year-old.
I'm just still here...
you know...
Pinch of Magic is my perfect t.ruffle.
really??!?! eeeeeeeeeeee!!!
i'm shocked "spent my days looking for a fairy tale......" isn't the bestseller. this one took me down to my knees (as only miss karey's prose can).
happy weekend!
xo, katie
I do find all of your writing and beautiful images so incredibly inspiring~ My favorite would be "a pinch of magic" as that is something I need to add a lot more often!
Wishing you a very happy holiday season filled with lots of love, not to mention a little bit of magic!
i love them all, and you all, and all of your readers, too! so even though i would also love to win, i'm not entering this lovely giveaway for myself...if by some lovely twist of fate i AM chosen, i 'll pass my win onto another reader, above. and no, i don't "know" any of them, but there's one i'm rooting for after reading all the lovely comments.
fingers crossed,
I am always gazing at your artwork, it's soooo lovely.
I love happily ever after
happily ever after has been winning me over again and again. that's my favorite.
absolutely, without a doubt, all my eggs...
Am I too late? I lack the words to express my favorite.......but I will say that even with all the air in the world for me to breathe....it leaves me breathless.
I did hand stands and cart wheels!
Hmmm very hard to call but I'm leaning towards the eggs (not too far or I might fall on them and smash them).
Thanks for a gorgeous giveaway.
Jo x
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