with my girlie third, esmé dahlia.
who is called mabel by me, maisie daisie by uncle sugar, maybelline by lillie, and marm by grae.
who is called mabel by me, maisie daisie by uncle sugar, maybelline by lillie, and marm by grae.

this morning, she announced her name was lola ripper peter. and i remembered how lucky i am to have this little one. so today is all hers...
until tomorrow. or until she tires of me. xoxo.
p.s. a woman at the pool heard me talking to my girls, and asked if esmé was named after the character in twilight. while lillie cackled and started calling grae edward, i debated pushing this woman into the deep end. but then i noticed what she was reading...nine stories by salinger. ahhh. a kindred spirit, i thought. until she asked what squalor referenced. dude? i'm swimming. let's discuss this at book club. kidding. i honestly didn't remember the squalor. i rarely do. so i told her this, and she said i was the coolest mom. i think she meant goofiest. i'm seeing her tomorrow, so between now and then i've got to get smarter. help.
almost forgot! photo from here. follow the links.
I'm a blog stranger and ghoster, but not a stalker, I promise. It's completely incidental that I clicked onto your site when you'd only posted like 2 seconds (or 4 minutes) ago.
just thought I'd mention that I understand the desire to push the woman into the deep end. I like the Twilight books, but thanks to pop culture I wouldn't even name a dog "Isabelle" now, and I've loved that name forever and a day.
p.s. I like your pretty words, and all of your pretty names.
You ARE the coolest mom. Period.
yeah, i'm pretty sure you'd have to be the coolest mom!
fortheloveofallthatissacred...are people naming their children after twilight characters now?
kirsta's comment made me laugh out loud.
i am quite certain you are far smarter than this lady at the pool...just sayin ;-)
Lol! Loved this and I love the variations of the name. I am not lucky enough to have an Esme of my own but my beloved fur baby Bella (a Frenchie) I call her Amelie (because I wish I would have thought of that first), her Dad calls her 'Turkey or Turk' because she has these turkey legs, her grandpa calls her 'bomber' because she suicide bombs right into you with her love. I hope by the time I am ready to have a bub you can do some name brainstorming with moi.
Happy New Year!
Miss B.
You have my vote for coolest mom. I really do hope that when the time comes for me to enter into the strange land called motherhood, I handle it with as much style and humor as you do. You know, after I get past the whole "how do I change a diaper" phase.
She is so not smarter than you. I would have pushed her into the pool. A-M xx
Just spent the entire morning with my crumb going from shop to shop and then 'pwaying' some more! She loves to 'pway' on the swings and everywhere else in between! SO I'm with you on being lucky - luckiest gals in the world to have such wee-sweet friends!
And the t.ruffle post yesterday...I can't get it out of my head! I need this one to be sold in the shope. It's me and my McDreamy. He is the risk taker, and I'm the safe-guarded one. Together we walk the tight-rope of love blissfully!
Dying laughing at naming your child after Twilight characters. But, I have one even worse. It was many years ago now, about a year or two after the movie Speed came out. Jeffrey and I were at the video store. Now you know how long ago that was. We saw this little guy run by, with his mom in hot pursuit yelling,"Keanu, stop. Wait, Keanu, wait." No lie. Can you imagine??
Oops!! I see that using my husband's laptop means that I am signed in as him when I comment. Sorry. That last comment from Jefffrey was really from me.
i don't really know about the squalor either...guess i'll have to re-read and wrack my brain :) oh darn :)
xo, em
Those girlies three are a lucky bunch, methinks.
Can I come to the pool date, too? Please?!
The woman at the pool? If she had any idea how cool you really are she'd be speechless. (Or maybe that's me...)
You definitely are the coolest mom.
coolest,goofiest...aren't they synonymous? :) I think you are the coolest and hope you have a fantastic time. The pool? indoors? I am curious..
goofy always equals cool.
!!!!!!!!! For Esme with Love and Squalor!!! The best!!! I remember the squalor, but only because of the humor it contained... or the knowingness, maybe?
I love love your words. Love. I just shared your blog with somebody and told them "this blog will give you heart if you don't have any left."
Keep writing. I hope one day your Esme has an oversized men's watch, not to weigh down her wrist, but to remind her of the power people have when they love each other urgently and messily and imperfectly and perfectly and from a long distance.
best wishes,
definitely the "coolest"...which i find to mean the goofiest as well...at least that's how i see it in my case. and yours, because i love you thaaaaaat much! xo t
I wanted to name Zoe "Francesca" after Bridges of Madison County because, well, I love it.
I do love the name Maybelline, I do.
And you are too cool, trust.
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