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where are my words today, you might be thinking. i might be thinking the same thing.
i think they started to disappear yesterday. it was so cold outside that the girlies three and i stayed inside for much of the day. hung pictures and sang a bit. and then we might've marathoned a few episodes of the little couple.
they now have a new game of pretend. which is why lillie and grae have been thumping through the house and doing their chores...walking. on. their. knees.
i hear lillie! want to play the little couple? and i cringe. if my grae-girl falls down the stairs one more time, i will scream. if lillie falls from her bunk ladder one more time, i will scream. i hear thunkthunkthunk and i know someone's lying in a clump. i scream. race to them to assess the damage.
and there they are. in a clump, but smiling. lill sees my terror and offers weakly i think this is teaching us empathy?
what's worse? last night, we accidentally stumbled across one big happy family on tlc. i dread the game that this will inspire.
yay I signed up;) love that site
Just saw the new t.ruffle....("...she was brilliant that way")
Any chance it will be for sale someday? It has my daughter's name colorfully splashed all over it.
oh, laura! we love taking requests! we're in the midst of restocking with new prints and cards...give us a week or so?
xoxo! and THANK YOU! you just made me feel taller.
Thank you for the hearty laugh. I thought my kids playing "spinning piglets" (snorting while spinning superfast in an office chair) was weird, but your kids are weird and FUNNY.
I was riveted to One Big Happy Family last night. Did you see when they sat down to the platter of fried wings, the huge lasagne, and the Ranch dressing with a little bit of lettuce? And the mom was moaning, "oh, this is so good I got to pray!" There is freedom in that kind of eating.
I will be waiting with bated breath to hear about *that* game!
OHMYGOD! let me send you a pic! wait for it...EMILY!
i snorted OUT LOUD from laughing while i read about their new game. it's hysterical. my sister and i used to stuff a care bear up our shirts and pretend to give birth to it. kids are weird that way.
yea! :-)
karey. your words rock. :)
Oh...this made me laugh! I think we are getting cabin fever over here in our neck o' the woods....I adored your post on the bright side....SO much deliciousness! You always, always introduce me to fabu new people and jewels I have never seen! Thank you my dear IF.
And I stumbled upon a new love today...
While in Carmel with my crumb and McDreamy, we happened upon a boutique called "HEAVEN" for wee ones. And heaven it is! Sweet and softest 'loungewear' for my cherub. What made me smile even more is the name of the line: ESME. You being the 'in the know' of all probably already have all your girls three in this incredible line, but if not, please do try. The crumb is sleeping in hers now, and I swear I'll not be able to sleep because I just want to hold her snuggly soft self all night long, and longer.
You gotta love a little girlie who can use empathy correctly. I'm off to write the winning comment at the Bright Side Project. Please, please... I hope I am.
wahhh! i love that line! THANK YOU for introducing it to me!
and they have all of my girlies three sizes...this never happens.
expensive, but then again...so is this little esme of mine! not to mention those other wildebeests.
thanks thanks thanks.
and relyn? fingers crossed for you. it's a haul, right? xoxo.
I love your girls and I do not even know them. This gave me just the chuckle I needed! Happy New Year!
xx Trina
Интересно написано....но многое остается непонятнымb
I met Jen (the wife in the Little Couple) a few years ago through a doctor friend of mine. What does not properly come through in the show is what a brilliant doctor she is.
Perhaps you could remind your kids of that?
oh, anon! i think you misunderstand! they LOVE jen...love her big brain and kickass doctor skills AND the love her husband has for her.
lillie and grae's eyes water at least once or twice during that show...they SEE how difficult the world is for people who don't fit the mold.
i'm sorry if i didn't explain that properly. i thought it went without saying...my fault.
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